Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 13: It's {Going to Be} a Good Day

Just joining in?  Read the entire series {HERE}.

My post is a little late today...I haven't felt tip-top (yucky cold) and have been extra sleepy.  Our littlest had her soccer game this morning, and BRRRRR, it was cold!  Made me want to come home and sniffle under the covers, lots of them.

I had intended to post today about a little project I had been working on, but instead shifted my gears to just enjoying the day, the weekend, the beautiful fall weather, and my family.  It's going to be a good day.

Days don't always work out in your head how you think they will.  Last night in bed I lay thinking of all of the things I was going to accomplish, cleaning, projects, blogging, all of the things I wanted to do with my hubby and kids, pumpkin patch-ing, playing a game all together, taking a walk.   Then my step-son came home from a football game he went to this morning and says he's going hunting with his uncle.  My son, who is 12, wants to go to the school's playground  in our neighborhood with his friend, and my daughter is perfectly content reading to her imaginary students (and has been for almost 2 hours!  I was her "student" last night--so fun).  The hubby is watching college football, our bellies are happy and full of lunch where we all had different remnant-type leftovers and such, and me, I am in a sweatshirt and jeans on the couch (also Riley's classroom, oops).  When I have other plans, while well-intended, I realize they may not always happen like I thought they would, and that's okay.  We switch gears, move things around.

I guess instead of stating that it's going to be a good day, I need to say, it is a good day.  God is good.  We are healthy, content, and enjoying a meaningful Saturday.   The sun is out, the leaves are crisp, and the nest is cozy.

How about you?  Are you in the frame of mind that it's a good day?


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